"Do Something Your Future Self Will Thank You For"

When you care for your future self, you are also telling the universe that you WANT to be healthy and happy. You are putting thought, effort and attention into what will make your life easier, and greater. You will be rewarded for your efforts, not just in health but in how you feel from the inside out.

When it comes to making Whole & Healthy meals, I encourage you to apply these 3 core ideas:

1) Think Things Through
2) Get Ingredients Ahead of Time
3) Cook as much as you can, whenever you can

Thinking about the meals you are going to make ahead of time, helps you to know what to make when mealtime comes.

Below is my Facebook Live. In it I  speak to how I start my week right with meal prep and mind set. I also explore the 3 tips I listed above in further detail. Choose 1-3 things you can do each week, and you will surely be caring for your future self. As you care for YOU, so will you also be caring for your family.

 Meet yourself where you are. Love yourself as you are.
And work to be healthier and happier everyday.

Here are some questions I ask myself when I prepare for my week ahead.
As well as the questions I ask myself when caring for my mind and soul.

Download this PDF and ask yourself the same questions to be
prepared for an ease filled and joyful experience in the kitchen.

For more specific tools that can help you create a workflow and meal plan that works for you and your family, sign up for this Free Mini Series called
“Begin to Transform Your Kitchen Experience”.