5 Tips to Save Time in Kitchen

Time-saving hacks and workflow tips to help you feel calm instead of overwhelm

1. Set your Mind Right

When we set our minds right we are present, focused and can be safe while we cook.  TIP: One way to step aside from all the reasons why you don’t want to cook, is by pausing, putting your hands together at your heart or at your forehead and closing your eyes as you say “Thank you for the energy, inspiration and patience with myself as I begin to cook this whole & healthy meal for me and my family.” In saying this, and meaning it, your mind is set and you are ready to let the love pour through you as you cook. It only need take a few seconds. 

2. Tidy Up Before You Begin

Before you begin cooking, clean off your counter tops. Wash remaining dishes, wipe the counters, clean your hands. This should take you 5 – 10 minutes max. 
WHY? Because you are clearing the canvas before you work on your masterpiece. Cooking in a clean kitchen helps you to be organized, focused and able to focus on the task at hand. Put on some music, get dancing and tidy up. 

3. All Ingredients on Counter

Take out all your ingredients and put them on the counter. This will help you not to run back and forth to the fridge or cupboards looking for what you need. You will heave everything at your finger tips. I often use an ingredient and put it right back!  That helps with the clean up afterwards too. Tip: Take out your ingredients as soon as you get home from work so that its more work to put it away then to make what you planned to make!

4. Use a Bowl for Scraps

When you are preparing and cutting your vegetables having a bowl on the counter to hold all your scraps is so very helpful. You can then throw the scraps from the bowl in compost and keep on going.  WHY? It saves in clean up big time. The scraps are no longer all over your counter in a mess, they are contained to the bowl. 

5. Have the Recipe Open

Whether the recipe is in a cookbook, online or printed out have it right beside you and read it all the way through before you begin. At the beginning you will be referencing them alot and so you want to keep the recipe close. TIP: If you want to branch outside a recipe think of what you want on your plate. Half of your  plate should be vegetables and/or a salad. The other half can be split between whole grains and protein. Include healthy fats in the cooking process as well as spices or herbs of choice, added nuts & seeds and pink salts. 

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Britney has been blessed with incredible insight not only in the kitchen but in life and has the ability to empower others to find joy in whatever they do.
-Rana Unity, Entrepreneur